[Tommi Laukkanen] Kasvopus v1.02(1) Symbian^3 Signed

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[Tommi Laukkanen] Kasvopus v1.02(1) Symbian^3 Signed
Gelişmiş Facebook istemcisidir.

Kasvopus is a Facebook client Like Iphone / Ipad, Android for Maemo, MeeGo and Symbian^3 devices.

Latest News

Simple and clean news feed is shown to you right after you launch the app. You can easily browse through latest status updates, shared news and links.
Status Details

Touch news entry to open it in details view where you can see the latest comments. You can easily "like" or comment the status entry or if it contains a link you can open that in device browser with a single click.
Share / Flattr

If you like the app, consider clicking the Flattr button.
Required Qt 4.7.3
What's New -
- Change-Log Not Available Yet

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Tepkiler: janbar
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