Silver Skull: Rise of the Pirate King

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Silver Skull: Rise of the Pirate King

  • $0.99
  • Category:
  • Updated: Feb 17, 2010
  • Current Version: 1.3.2
  • 1.3.2
  • 31.8 MB
  • Language: English
  • Seller: Web Scouts, inc.
  • © Web Scouts, Inc.

  • Infrequent/Mild Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References
  • Infrequent/Mild Mature/Suggestive Themes
  • Infrequent/Mild Profanity or Crude Humor
  • Infrequent/Mild Cartoon or Fantasy Violence

Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later.

SALE!!! Silver Skull now 30% off to mark our new update being submitted to Apple. Get it today!

User reviews:

"This is THE BEST naval battle game for the iDevice. A solid, must have title" - Aznoboii11

"This is -on arcade-style cannon-blast-fest" - Djflippy


AHOY MATIES!! You are the pirate captain of a small ship and crew, navigate through 30 levels destroying ships and collecting coins and booty.

As you collect more coins you will be able to buy WEAPONS and SHIPS, all with the hope of conquering the infamous pirate galleon SILVER SKULL for yourself. You have to be careful though to keep your crew happy, so make sure to treat them to wenches and rum whenever you can!

Silver Skull includes:
- 30 challenging levels
- Port where you can buy WENCHES and RUM to get game tips, bonus items & lives
- Armory where you can trade ships and weapons
- Bonus items including: floating gunpowder barrels, fireballs, ship cloaking, curses and more
- Campaign & skirmish mode with level selector
- Global & local high scores
- 3 difficulty levels
- Accelerometer and D-pad steering options

So buy Silver Skull today and pillage the high seas and as a famous pirate once

More levels, weapons and updates coming soon. Visit to learn more and leave feature suggestions for new updates.

What's New in Version 1.3.2

- Bug fixes
- Performance improvements
- Level changes
- Ship movement fixes

iPhone Screenshots

Customer Reviews

Hoist the gib

by Djflippy Seeing a screenshot of this game, you might think the gameplay is similar to countless other naval battle games on the app store, in which you float around endlessly simply trying to get your cannons pointed in the right direction to score a hit. Well, if you thought that, you would be dead wrong, me hearties.

This is -on arcade-style cannon-blast-fest. Hold your finger in on or past the target ship and repeated fireballs tear through the target. The accelerometer controls the path of the ship, which works just fine. Land masses can block your path, as do floating barrels, but a number of ship upgrades remedy that.

The Heavy Cannon fires over islands and Blast Kegs destroy floating obstacles. Many upgrades are one-offs, so you need to refill them after each mission, but you can buy multiples, if you have the requisite amount of doubloons in your coffers. Using upgrades, you can also present the illusion that you are a Ghost Ship, so the enemy loses interest, or curse the opposing ships, so they remain stationary for your barrage of artillery fire. If you manage your resources well enough, you can even purchase bigger and better ships. Oh, and if you have a true excess of funds or feel like taking a gamble, you can visit the hot wenches in town for a random "gift".

All in all, I would say the devs did exactly what they set out to do, create a fast-paced naval game with staying power.

This is a fantastic game!

by Quattrocoupe I have a bad habit of just diving into applications so I was a bit confused at first. So, do be sure take a gander at these. Once I peeked at the instructions, boy what fun I had!!

This game is very interactive and requires some thinking ahead. This is a game that I will not quickly become bored with. Very entertaining! So much so I lost track of time playing. Great job App Farm!!

Armory is cool!!

by Jefferson11 Love being able to buy sell weapons - fireballs are awesome. I want more levels though!

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