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[ROM][G900F][XXU1ANE2][20/05][KK 4.4.2]PhoeniX ROM v2.0 [Big Aroma | Benzersiz | Hızlı | Temiz
ÖNEMLİ: PhoeniX ROM Sadece Samsung Galaxy S5 (G900F) modeli içindir.Başka Cihazlara Yüklediğiniz Takdirde Brick Olabilir
Amatör Flaşlayıcılar!!!
PhoeniX Rom v2.0 Flaşlamadan Önce Bunu Okuyun:
En güncel Stok Firmware Baz Alındı : Android 4.4.2 XXU1ANE2 (build tarihi : 8/05/2013)
PhoeniX Kernel V1.2:
- Built from Samsung Kernel Source Update 1 for G900F
- Linux 3.4.0
- SELinux set to permissive
- ExFat Support
- XXU1ANE2 Ramdisk
- init.d support
- Build with stock ARM toolchain 4.7
- Added Fast Charge Support - Huge thanks to Faux123! You can control it via Trickster Mod app
- Added Trickster MOD Kernel Control app - Special thanks to Team Trickster
Kernel Source:
This ROM is 200% Knox Free - You can say "Cya Knox!"
Fully Deodexed
Added latest BusyBox
Added latest SuperSU+Bin files
Updated all stock apps to their latest version(Gmail, Google search, Google Maps ,Play store etc.)
Unique PhoeniX bootanimation & shutdown animation - Huge thank to the artist @anbech
Kernel Tweaks
zipalign script
Build.prop tweaks
Removed from the rom:
Samsung Hubs
Aşağıdaki Uygulamalar Aroma İnstaller'da Yer Almaktadır :
v2 için yükleme
Romda Bug Yoktur.
ÖNEMLİ: PhoeniX ROM Sadece Samsung Galaxy S5 (G900F) modeli içindir.Başka Cihazlara Yüklediğiniz Takdirde Brick Olabilir
Amatör Flaşlayıcılar!!!
PhoeniX Rom v2.0 Flaşlamadan Önce Bunu Okuyun:
Linkleri görüntülemek için kayıt olmalısınız
En güncel Stok Firmware Baz Alındı : Android 4.4.2 XXU1ANE2 (build tarihi : 8/05/2013)
PhoeniX Kernel V1.2:
- Built from Samsung Kernel Source Update 1 for G900F
- Linux 3.4.0
- SELinux set to permissive
- ExFat Support
- XXU1ANE2 Ramdisk
- init.d support
- Build with stock ARM toolchain 4.7
- Added Fast Charge Support - Huge thanks to Faux123! You can control it via Trickster Mod app
- Added Trickster MOD Kernel Control app - Special thanks to Team Trickster
Kernel Source:
Linkleri görüntülemek için kayıt olmalısınız
This ROM is 200% Knox Free - You can say "Cya Knox!"
Fully Deodexed
Added latest BusyBox
Added latest SuperSU+Bin files
Updated all stock apps to their latest version(Gmail, Google search, Google Maps ,Play store etc.)
Unique PhoeniX bootanimation & shutdown animation - Huge thank to the artist @anbech
- Call Recorder
- Hacked Stock Email App
- Sysro & sysrw support
- Disabled scrolling cache
- Phone with no increasing ringtone
- All supported languages enabled
- PhoeniX First Setup
- Enabled Hidden Settings Widgets:
- Power Control
- Mono Audio
- Negative Colors
- Portable Wifi Hotspot
- Smart Network
- Favorite Settings - Launcher Theme Support with 10+ themes
- Hacked SMS app- special thanks to jovy23:
* Folder View Option
* No SMS to MMS conversion for messages
* No SMS to MMS conversion for emojis
* Enabled Group Messaging
* Show Real Sending time instead of time received
* Increased the SMS hour limit to 1000
* Increased the Max MMS size to 2048000 bytes
* Increased the MMS Image size to 4096x2048 [8.4MP]
* Enabled Scheduled Messaging
* Unlimited SMS Recipient limit
* Backup/Restore SMS Option
* Split view option
* Change text size using volume keys option
* Screen On/Off for notification alerts option
* and more!! - Multiwindow with the following features:
* Quad screen: you can split multiwindow up to 4 different apps!
* Abillity to open same app from this list(If you need any more app please make a list so I can add in the next release) :
com.estrongs.android.pop - New & Unique to this ROM only, 8 Lockscreen effects!:
- None (AOSP style)
- Modded Ripple Effect:
* No cloudy overlay - Thanks to @Goldie
* Improved ripple effect - Thanks to @Goldie
* Ink effect with the finger
- Light effect
- Particle Effect
- Water Color
- Mass Tension
- Ripple Tension
- Stone Skipping - Restored the option for Personal Message in LockScreen
- Toggles Mod - 31 Toggles options!!
- Added App Ops support in settings
- Added Glance View Option in settings
- Restored Lockscreen Shortcuts With a little new option: You can set Shortcuts and Camera Icon both. If you don't like it, you need to remove all shortcuts or if you want only shortcuts choose in the menu Shortcuts instead of Camera
- Restored Facelock option
- Option for 17 apps in Toolbox(in 360dpi 17 apps, in 480dpi you need to choose less)
- Status bar without the anoying Quick Connect & Sfinder buttons. Added SFinder icon next to Time & Date
- PhoeniX SlideLaunch - Instead of My Magazine in S5 Launcher you can choose any app you want to open, for example settings, camera or gallery - amazing feature.
- Pullup Option in Launcher - Thank you FakeJap
- Upgraded Power Menu:
- Extended Reboot Menu
- Flashlight
- Screenshot - All supported languages for Samsung Keyboard enabled
- Permanently removed SysSCOPE from system and forcer System Status to show "Official" - Special thanks to Aou
- Shutter Sound menu Enabled to stock camera
- Added 4 toggles:
- Flashlight - 1 press turns it on, long press flashlight settings
- Battery status - 1 press battery status , long press battery information
- PhoeniX - 1 Press/Long press open PhoeniX Settings
- Take Picture - Called "Shoot-it" by @dr.ketan. Single press takes picture without shooting sound (3-4 sec) long prees takes picture with shooting sound(3-4 sec) - also avilable as an icon in app drawer, so 1 press on app called Shoot it takes picture without shoooting sound, 1 press on app called Shoot it SF takes picture with shooting sound - Added Torchlight option in Lockscreen
- New PhoeniX Mods's protection - Well, apparently some clowns think they can take my mods without giving credits or asking for permissions. I don't allow that. This protection shouldn't bother you if you use PhoeniX ROM. When these mods are used on other rom, they simply won't work
- New PhoeniX Logo in Settings -> About
- Added over 100 HD wallpapers from PhoeniX Collection. You can find them in wallpaper chooser.
- Added option to choose between 70+ HD batteries - Huge thanks to OsamaGhareeb
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- Big APN list
- Enable sub Symbols on Stock Samsung keyboard
- Added exit menu to stock web browser
- Dialer search matches numbers in contacts and call logs along with contacts
- data/app enabled
- Enable call button in call log
- Added Ultra Power Saving Mode Apps Manager - thank you @xperiacle
- Added option to put 30 Settings Shortcuts in Quick Settings Tab
- MultiWindow Manager New Edition - thanks to BJB, Inc.
- Added Option to Remove Popup Cover Warnings(in Tweaks & Mods section)
- Added Official OmegaDroid Android News app - I am reporter and editor there, so if you want to read the best news about android, use this!
- Exclusive PhoeniX Extra Menu Settings:
Samsung Secret Codes
Fast Dormancy
Faster Fix GPS
CSC Select
CPU Spy Plus
Battery Chooser
Terminal Emulator
Xposed +Modules
Idle Wifi Time Manager
OS Monitor
PhoeniX SlideLaunch
PhoeniX OTA Center - now you can update the rom without plugin into the computer!
The downloads will be save on the internel SD card(if you use my memory script so it will be saved in the externel sd card) undr the folder OTA updates.
Reboot options - Normal, Recovery, Download.
Xposed support. Huge thanks to rovo89Linkleri görüntülemek için kayıt olmalısınız.
Xposed Modules:
Wanam Xposed - Special thanks to wanamLinkleri görüntülemek için kayıt olmalısınız
GravityBox Huge thanks to C3C076Linkleri görüntülemek için kayıt olmalısınız
DPI Settings - thanks to rovo89
How to use Xposed?
1. Go to Settings -> PhoeniX Extra
2. Open Xposed Installer
3. Click Install/Update. Don't reboot.
4. Go to Modules tab and active Wanam & Nottach Modules.
5. Reboot
6. Go to Settings -> PhoeniX Extra
7. Play with the modules
And more coming soon
Kernel Tweaks
zipalign script
Build.prop tweaks
Removed from the rom:
Samsung Hubs
Aşağıdaki Uygulamalar Aroma İnstaller'da Yer Almaktadır :
- Samsung AllShare
- Android 4.4.2 Camera - Android 4.4.2 Camera from Nexus 5
- Samsung Chaton
- Google Plus
- Google Chrome
- Google Maps & Street
- Android 4.2 Clock - Android 4.2 Clock
- DropBox
- Adobe FlashPlayer - Flashplayer Support
- Google Earth
- Samsung Group Features
- Google TalkBack
- Google Hangouts
- Mobileprint services - Mobile print services
- Pie Control like in nexus - LMT Launcher - thanks to noname81
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- Polaris Viewer
- Samsung Update - Samsung Update services - Not working with root
- S Health
- GeoLookout
- YouTube
- Samsung SmartRemote
- Kids Mode
- OnlineHelpHub
- Digital Clock Widgets
- Dual Clock Digital Widget
- Story Album
- ES File Explorer
- Genie widget
- Google Music
- Google Search
- Kies
- MusicLiveShare
- Samsung Apps
- SMemo
- SPlanner App Widget
- STranslator
- S Voice
- Optical Reader
- Samsung Gear Support - Add Samsung Gear Support
- Photo Studio
- S Baro
- Scrapbook
- SNote
- Video Editor
- Google Drive
- Added as options in the Aroma:
You can choose now tweaks you want to install!
Tweaks list: - EXT4 Tweaks:
[TBODY] [/TBODY]This mod will turn ON data_writeback for all 3 partitions - system, data and cache. This will drastically improve I/O performance (mostly on write operations) at the expense of file system integrity in certain situations, like unexpected system shutdown. The risk is not extreme, but still bigger then regular. Use this to improve your system performance, but you flash it at your own risk
- OpenVPN Tweaks
- SQLite Tweaks
- Tweak: Force Launcher into memory
- Tweak: 3G Tweaks - Speed up 3G connection
- Tweak: Net Speed Tweaks - Tweak to speed up internet connection
- Tweak: Latest Seeder thx to lambgx02
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- Scrolling tweaks - Better, faster and stronger scrolling
- Flash-Led Tweaks - Better flash-led intensity and camera-flash quality
- Video-Streaming tweaks - Smoother and faster internet video streaming
v2 için yükleme
- Eğer Başka Bir Custom Romdan Geliyorsanız FULL WİPE Gereklidir- Super Wipe Önerilir
- En güncel phliz recoveryi edinin. Diğer Recoverylerde sorun çıkabilmektedir
- V2yi recovery modda flaşlayın. ayarlarınızı yapın
- Yükleme işlemi bitince Rebootlayın
Romda Bug Yoktur.
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