N8 telefonum açılmıyor! Lütfen Yardım Edin?

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    Konu Sahibi
N8 telefonum açılmıyor! Lütfen Yardım Edin?
Doğru yere konu açtımmı bilmiyorum.
N8 Belle telefonum açılmıyor.
Açma tuşuna basılı tutuyorum ve nokia yazısı geliyor elimi çekiyorum.
Ama 1 dakika gibi bir süre nokia yazısı duruyor ve telefon geri kapanıyor.
Hard format denedim yine aynı, açılmıyor.
Tema efekti yapacam diye C/ ye Bişeyler yaptım.Telefon bu hale geldi.
Lütfen Yardım Edin!


kardeşim sakin ol çözümü var ben pek tecrübeli olmasamda yardımcı olanlar olacaktır . Benim de aynı şey başıma geldi. İlk önce downrage yapman gerek ondan sonra ise tekrar belleye dönebilirsin
  • Beğen
Tepkiler: filci


phoneixle yazılımı sıfırla.. muhtemelen depo hafızzasındaki kırıntılar karıştırıyordur


flash atman gerekir


    Konu Sahibi
Downrage ve phoneix nedir?


  • Beğen
Tepkiler: filci


Hafıza kartını çıkar öyle açmayı dene olmaz ise yazılım versiyonunu dead flash yöntemi ile telefona at ama bütün verilerin silinecek haberin olsun


    Konu Sahibi
Flash atma yolunda ilerliyordum.
Ben telefonu açamıyorum diyorum.flash atma konusunda adam yazmış "telefonu ovi suite modunda bilgisayara bağlayın"diye.
işte bu durum bütün işlemi mahvetti.
Şimdi ne yapıcam?


tel açılmıyorsa dead flash atmalısın.


teamviewer indir beraber yapalm dostum.


    Konu Sahibi
Bana öyle bir link verinki flash olayı kesin olarak tamamlansın.
Olmuyo abi bişey eksikmi fazlamı!


öncelikle virüs programlarını pc nizden kaldırın öyle deneyin.


    Konu Sahibi
Flashing started
Creating product data items list
Product data items list created
Backup not required
Flashing phone
Scanning image files...
Waiting for USB device...
Loading secondary boot code: 15168 bytes
Secondary boot loaded
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic ID is: 000000030000022600010007600C192102031104
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00000C35
BB Asic Index is: 00
EM Asic ID is: 00000C30
BB Asic Index is: 00
Public ID is: 123002072ED90344F8E9481AB303321B540D09A4
BB Asic Index is: 00
Asic Mode ID: 00
BB Asic Index is: 00
Hash: 916F75217F32081248B15C38DFC8E81B
BB Asic Index is: 00
ROM ID: E693EF0DAC22615B
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 05
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 04
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: FFFF
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0000
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 00
Device Index is: 01
Manufacturer code: 0000
Device ID: 0001
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0000
BB Asic Index is: 00
Device type is: 03
Device Index is: 00
Manufacturer code: 00EC
Device ID: 0050
Extended device ID: 0000
Revision ID: 0232
Loading update server code: 868528 bytes
Update server loaded
Asic CMT: Start programming 274151 KB...
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 0%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 10%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 20%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 30%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 40%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 50%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 60%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 70%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 80%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 90%
Asic CMT: Programming data sent: 100%
Programming complete
Asic CMT: Verifying communication to device...
Waiting for communication response: 25
Waiting for communication response: 24
Waiting for communication response: 23
Waiting for communication response: 22
Waiting for communication response: 21
Waiting for communication response: 20
Waiting for communication response: 19
Waiting for communication response: 18
Waiting for communication response: 17
Waiting for communication response: 16
Waiting for communication response: 15
Waiting for communication response: 14
Waiting for communication response: 13
Waiting for communication response: 12
Waiting for communication response: 11
Waiting for communication response: 10
Waiting for communication response: 9
Waiting for communication response: 8
Waiting for communication response: 7
Waiting for communication response: 6
Waiting for communication response: 5
Waiting for communication response: 4
Waiting for communication response: 3
Waiting for communication response: 2
Waiting for communication response: 1
Error 0x8401F121 communicating to phone. Unable to verify comm.
Warning: Unable to communicate to product after flashing
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
ERROR: Unable to detect device 0x8401F145. Check USB connection
ERROR: Product recovery failed
Unable to set the phone to flash mode. Unable to flash.
Starting to recover the phone
Recovering phone
Scanning image files...
Phone recovery completed. Waiting for phone to boot up
Bootup successful
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Failed to verfy communication to product
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Communication verified
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Failed to verfy communication to product
Verifying communication to product (before flash finalizing)
Failed to verfy communication to product
Flashing finalization failed. Do you like to retry the finalizing?
HRESULT 0x8421001c (-2078212068)
Firmware: Cannot verify communication to phone after flashing. Make sure that phone booted up correctly and retry.


    Konu Sahibi
Telefonumu yaptım.İlk önce Downgrade dosyasını indirip Phoenix'le flashladım.Daha sonra Nokia Suite'le Belle yükledim.
Yardımcı olan herkese :tşk: :oke:.(Konu nasıl kapatılıyor?)


Telefonumu yaptım.İlk önce Downgrade dosyasını indirip Phoenix'le flashladım.Daha sonra Nokia Suite'le Belle yükledim.
Yardımcı olan herkese :tşk: :oke:.(Konu nasıl kapatılıyor?)

sen kapatamıyorsun şikayet et butonunu kullanıp konunun kapatılmasını rıca et tamamdır
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