Mobile & PDA : Garmin Mobile XT 6.00.10 + Maps for Symbian

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Mobile & PDA : Garmin Mobile XT 6.00.10 + Maps for Symbian

Garmin Mobile XT 6.00.10 + Maps for Symbian | 2.26 GB

Garmin Mobile XT - With this program, you can add navigation to your smartphone. Also present in the assembly map "Roads of Russia with routing. Russia and the CIS."

Garmin Mobile XT - With this program, you can add navigation to your smartphone. You get access to detailed maps, driving directions, and services in real time with no monthly payment. Garmin Mobile XT with detailed maps, millions of objects and GPS navigation turns your smartphone into a powerful portable navigator. Its intuitive interface greets you with two options: "Where?" And "View Map." You can search for addresses and objects, as well as receive voice prompts to navigate to your destination. The device allows you to use 3-D maps and advanced navigation features. With Garmin Mobile XT you can also download additional database objects POI (such as school zones and cameras) and choose a destination from your address book contacts.

1.******_v1.5-generation razlok. Codes
2.IMEI converter-for the generation of ID cards by IMEI

Installing Garmin XT for Smart:
1.Please smart to a computer or data.
2.Berem assembly Garmin Mobile XT.sis and folder GARMIN, throw on a memory card into the root
3.Otklyuchaem body from the company, run Garmin Mobile XT.sis should start the installation
4.Zahodim a program on smart, it prompts you to select any options (language, miles, etc.). After the installation menu appears:
- Garmin MobileXT
- Buy in the way
- Start the sample
- Product
- Connection to Garmin GPS
5.Vybiraem - Connect to Garmin GPS and then go to "Settings" - "On the System". They are looking for Card id: *************. It should be noted that the Card id sometimes climbs beyond the screen, so best to put the English language, see the Card id but then later changed into Russian
Run the ****** 1.5, and amplitude are making your Card id: *********, generate code (upper *****).
If the body does not extradite Card id (or flash drive is not the same system, or instead a hard drive), then run the IMEI converter (247 KB) and use it to generate the Card id.
6.Na your computer, open Notepad (Start / Accessories / Notepad) and make the generated code using the ******. Save the file with the name sw.unl (you can just remove the extension. Txt, you can then rename sw.unl.txt in sw.unl)
7.Fayl sw.unl copied to a memory card in the directory GARMIN. This will unlock the program and give you the opportunity to enjoy not only garminovskimi ZHPS receivers.
After that, who needs maps, find them on Ineta or
FID knowing your downloaded maps, you can unlock it for your ID card
-Run the ***** in the second box, ******s choose custom mapset and enter the ID cards generate and keep the code in a file named GMAPSUPP.UNL. This will unlock the card.
Copy to the stick gmapsupp.img (it's your card under the buyout You Generate unlock code) and gmapsupp.unl (razlok it myself) with the code are generated by ****** 1.5 for a specific FID card, SW.unl Generate code for the ID card and save on your computer first then copied to a USB flash drive, then disconnect from the company to run the program. It proposes to include Sinezub can refuse or accept there is no difference, then go to the GPS antenna signal
8.Vverhu between the GSM signal indicator and the inscription Mobile XT, GPS satellites visible light in the form of an antenna with a dash. We direct it and enter the submenu. They choose the type of receiver, in this case, select item 2, press the "insert", the program will include built-in Bluetooth receiver, or to find another receiver. (If not included, again, select item 2, and click the Finish button.) If it is necessary to exit the program and run .. Then go outside and run "where am I?" she will get in touch with the satellite and determine the location and the nearest intersections ...
That's it! The program works! If not, and includes Bluetooth and Garmin asks to connect to Garmin device, then:
A) is wrong to create the file SW.UNL
B) Lost to download maps to the device.
B) is wrong to create the file. UNL card.
If all else fails, read the instructions N_E_S_P_E_SH_A, do everything step by step and you will have good fortune! if the tank is quite a download and read the link at the top of Garmin Mobile XT - How stavit.rar and not too much to let it check out the FAQ eliminate 99% of questions
When you first activate the GPS, or if you move more than 600 miles off the GPS receiver to require the initialization function GPS. To reduce the initialization time, set your position on the map.

To ustvnovit position:
A. Select - Menu-Settings-System-Remote GPS-inform.GPS.
Two. Select - New menu item. (Installation position somewhere in England must move the cursor to the place where you are and click OK bysteree find the first time satellites)
Three. Select a point on the map near your current position, and then select - Menu-OK.
IMPORTANT! After installation, the process must again turn off TSR Autostart.exe, it will be hidden and appear to put the battery
do this: Tools-Settings-System-Lanch background service-first set is enabled, then disabled all!
In the program it is possible to connect or disconnect the active cards. Tools / Upr.Dannymi / set of cards. There is a list of all (maks.4) cards and the inscription above the lev.soft «MapSource». And everything else ponyatno.I, especially for the "gifted" for this program do not need certification!!, She has signed with the Symbian Signed 14.07.2009 till 15.07.2019 so that the question of certification does not make sense to anyone not put the format of the body and memory card ...
If anyone needed a-gps off the phone settings-general-location-determining methods, there otkoyuchit a-gps, if necessary, leave ONLY built-in (integrated) gps, garmin then will not take the traffic, of course navigation program at this time would be better if off.

Maps of "Roads of Russia with routing. Russia and the CIS"
Car Navigation Map - A map used to display the current navigator car location, route construction and delivery of a live disk imaging to perform maneuvers. Car navigation map of "Navicom" - this card with routing, address, and the silhouettes of buildings, including roads outside cities, such as groundwater, w / a road with stations and stops, all kinds of objects POI (points of interest), including hotels, airports, transport, shops, gas stations, restaurants and area landmarks.

Coverage area:
All regions with a detailed coverage.
191 868 population centers
2915 settlements with address search
2702 settlement with the contours of buildings
750,000 POI

39,229 settlements
12 cities with the contours of buildings

11,066 settlements
7 cities with the contours of the houses.

A. Through the card reader to open your USB flash drive. Why is a card reader? And because the Nuvi still using USB 1.1. Tired to wait until there is something to be copied.
Two. At the root of the stick to create a folder "Garmin"
Three. Copy the file into it "gmapsupp.img" and "gmapsupp.unl" (for devices that support JCV, and copy the folder "JCV").
4. Open the "Garmin-****** 1.5.exe".
Five. Vzyat10-digit ID of the instrument (or ID SD-card) and drive it into the top line of the generator (where "Enter your Unit ID here:").
6. Where the line "Select Map Product:" to open the menu and select (at the bottom).
7. In the pop-up window in the drive FID 1280 and press OK. The window closes.
Eight. In the main window of the generator press the lower button "Generate". You get 25-digit to unlock the card. Copy it.
9. Open a notepad file "gmapsupp.unl" in the folder "Garmin" to SD-card and simply insert the back, resulting in paragraph 8 (change the that is in the file).
10. Close the file "gmapsupp.unl", save your changes.
11. Insert the SD-card into the device and check.
Everything. Card should work.
It is also possible to set the instrument (or stick), any card that is available on the Internet. If it was locked, then all you need - is to know its FID. In "Road Rosii TOPO 6.0h" is 1281. In "Roads of Russia 5.1h" - 1280.
Map unlocked with an ID device will only work with that device (that is, if this flash drive inserted into another Garmin, then it will not work). And if in paragraph 5 of the instructions to use the ID itself the stick (you can see through the "engineering menu" system), then this card will work in any device Garmin.
Note that the map file on a flash drive can have only one name: "gmapsupp.img", and in the internal memory of the device a few more (gmapsupp.img, gmapbmap.img, gmapprom.img, gmapsupp2.img, gmapoem.img, etc. etc.). The files "*. Unl" must match the name of the file with the card, which they razlochivaemye (only with a different extension instead of UNL IMG).

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