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amoled ekran kullananlar baksin luften!
cep telefonunda amoled ekran kullanan arkadaslar siyah agirlikli temalar yuklemeye calisin cunku oled ekranlarin mavi rengi gosteme omru az yesil mavini uc kati sari ren ise mavinin iki kati kendini gosterme omru var mavi renk ortalama 7 sene dayaniyor ,oled ekranlarinizi tasarruflu kullanin benden soylemesi!



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salla salla :D:D ohoo


    Konu Sahibi
inanmayanlar buyrun anlamadiniz yeri sorun


LEP display showing partial failure

An old OLED display showing wear

  • Lifespan: The biggest technical problem for OLEDs was the limited lifetime of the organic materials. In particular, blue OLEDs historically have had a lifetime of around 14,000 hours to half original brightness (five years at 8 hours a day) when used for flat-panel displays. This is lower than the typical lifetime of LCD, LED or technology—each currently rated for about 60,000 hours to half brightness, depending on manufacturer and model. However, some manufacturers' displays aim to increase the lifespan of OLED displays, pushing their expected life past that of LCD displays by improving light outcoupling, thus achieving the same brightness at a lower drive current. In 2007, experimental OLEDs were created which can sustain 400 cd/m2 of for over 198,000 hours for green OLEDs and 62,000 hours for blue OLEDs.

  • Color balance issues: Additionally, as the OLED material used to produce blue light degrades significantly more rapidly than the materials that produce other colors, blue light output will decrease relative to the other colors of light. This differential color output change will change the color balance of the display and is much more noticeable than a decrease in overall luminance. This can be partially avoided by adjusting colour balance but this may require advanced control circuits and interaction with the user, which is unacceptable for some users. In order to delay the problem, manufacturers bias the colour balance towards blue so that the display initially has an artificially blue tint, leading to complaints of artificial-looking, over-saturated colors. More commonly, though, manufacturers optimize the size of the R, G and B subpixels to reduce the current density through the subpixel in order to equalize lifetime at luminance. For example, a blue subpixel may be 100% larger than the green subpixel. The red subpixel may be 10% smaller than the green.

  • Efficiency of blue OLEDs: Improvements to the efficiency and lifetime of blue OLED’s is vital to the success of OLED’s as replacements for LCD technology. Considerable research has been invested in developing blue OLEDs with high external quantum efficiency as well as a deeper blue color. External quantum efficiency values of 20% and 19% have been reported for red (625 nm) and green (530 nm) diodes, respectively. However, blue diodes (430 nm) have only been able to achieve maximum external quantum efficiencies in the range between 4% to 6%. This is primarily due to two factors. Firstly, the human eye is less sensitive to the blue wavelength compared to the green or red, so lower efficiency is expected. Secondly, by calculating the band gap (Eg = hc/λ), it is clear that the shorter wavelength of the blue OLED results in a larger band gap at 2.9 eV. This leads to higher barriers, so less efficiency is also expected.

  • Water damage: Water can damage the organic materials of the displays. Therefore, improved sealing processes are important for practical manufacturing. Water damage may especially limit the longevity of more flexible displays.

  • Outdoor performance: As an emissive display technology, OLEDs rely completely upon converting electricity to light, unlike most LCDs which are to some extent reflective; leads the way in efficiency with ~ 33% ambient light reflectivity, enabling the display to be used without any internal light source. The metallic cathode in an OLED acts as a mirror, with reflectance approaching 80%, leading to poor readability in bright ambient light such as outdoors. However, with the proper application of a circular polarizer and anti-reflective coatings, the diffuse reflectance can be reduced to less than 0.1%. With 10,000 incident illumination (typical test condition for simulating outdoor illumination), that yields an approximate photopic contrast of 5:1.

  • Power consumption: While an OLED will consume around 40% of the power of an LCD displaying an image which is primarily black, for the majority of images it will consume 60–80% of the power of an LCD - however it can use over three times as much power to display an image with a white background such as a document or website. This can lead to disappointing real-world battery life in mobile devices.

  • Screen burn-in: Unlike displays with a common light source, the brightness of each OLED pixel fades depending on the content displayed. The varied lifespan of the organic dyes can cause a discrepancy between red, green, and blue intensity. This leads to image persistence, also known as .


İnanmayanlar benim gibi başlarına geldiklerinde inanırlar merak etme. Dalga geçenlerin başına da gelecek. Dediğin kaynak bende de var pdf formatında ve güvenilir bir kaynak. Amoled ekranların maalesef burn-in olayları çok çabuk oluşuyor ve en büyük dezavantajı. Bir daha amoled ekran asla kullanmam. Özellikle bir süre sonra top bar kısmında oluşacak bu screen burn olayı. Şimdi dalga geçenlerin başına geldiğinde ben de kahkahalarla güleceğim.

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hocam ne anlatıyon ya başka şeylerle uğraş biraz:aha:


adam haklı beyler :ehe biraz okudum dediklerin doğrudur kardeşim


en az 10 senedir o zaman


DDKLERİ DOGRU ARKADAŞINNN ;) valla garantisi varken olsunda :D


Bi telefonu ne kadar yıl kullanabilirsin ki zaten


doğrudur amoledin böyle bir sorunu var diye duydum ama zaten 7 yıl bir cep telefonunu kim kullanırki çok uzun bir süre bu


canlandıralım konuyu :D

----------Eklendi 23.08.2011 @ 00:00:12 ---------- Yazıldı 22.08.2011 @ 23:59:39 ----------

telefon daha ne kadar dayansın ölene kadar aynısını mı kullanacaksın :P


Emekli Yönetici
Bir telefonun ömrü 7 yıldır zaten garantisi 2 yıldır kullanıcısı en az 1 yıl içinde aldığı telefonu yenisi veya üst modeli ile dğişiyor. yılda en az 2 çeşit telefon çıkıyor, bu durumda umursayan pek olmaz sanırım. Ayrıca wave nin ilk serisinde bu sorun aşırı fazla görüldü. sorunun tüm cihazlar için geçerli olduğunu düşünmüyorum.

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