NFC Uygulamaları { Nokia C7 için } {ya da diğer NFC li aygıtlar}


    Konu Sahibi
NFC Uygulamaları { Nokia C7 için } {ya da diğer NFC li aygıtlar}
1-) NFC Interactor

The Java ME-based Nfc Interactor can write many different NFC Forum NDEF message formats to all supported tag formats, delete the existing message from a tag (by overwriting it with an empty message) and read the contents of an NDEF-formatted tag.

The following message types are currently supported for writing:
  • Smart Poster with URI, title*, action* and image* (* optional)
  • URI record, automatically encoded with all defined URI abbreviations
  • Text record; the default English language / UTF-8 encoding can be adapted in the source code
  • MIME record for PNG images; the image can be switched in the source code
A simple reading functionality shows basic information about the tag but doesn't parse the record's contents. For Smart Poster, URI and Text records, the type and its payload are shown on the screen. For all other message types, the format and name are shown.
Deleting a tag (over)writes the tag contents with an empty record.
The app is made in a way so that it is ideal for quickly writing various messages to tags, or as a starting point for own development tests and NFC experiments.
Therefore, the structure of the application has to be modified to be suitable for a rich tag reader / writer app - e.g., the individual record handling should be externalized into separate classes, and the UI should be modularized for the different writing modes.


2-) NFC Chat

The Nfc Chat is a sample app that demonstrates how to use the NFC LLCP protocol to create a peer-to-peer connection between two compatible NFC devices and how to send messages between those devices.

A custom-made user interface in Qt Quick uses a model to store the chat- and status messages and a simple listview to show them on the screen. The C++ class NfcPeerToPeer takes care of listening for NFC targets and establishing a LLCP socket connection to the client. A LLCP server is waiting for incoming connections at a specified URI and then provides a socket to send data to the client.

The C++ class is used from within the QML code and can be easily controlled - sending text to the other device is done using a slot. Both received messages and status messages are emitted using signals. In case the connection to the second device is lost, the application caches the message and sends it as soon as the link is re-established.

Note: The project requires Qt 4.7 and uses the Qt Mobility 1.2 Connectivity NFC APIs. Symbian Anna FW and Qt Mobility 1.2 Beta is required on the C7 to use this application.


3-) NFC Corkboard

Extends the Qt Quick corkboards example of the Qt SDK with NFC functionality: touch a tag and its NDEF contents appear as a new note on the screen. Press the NFC flag of a note on the screen and its contents will be written to the tag. Supports URI and text records.

A C++ class encapsulates the NFC functionality and is registered at runtime with the QML file of the user interface. This allows direct and easy communication between the UI and the NFC engine using signals and slots: create an NdefManager element in QML and react to its onNfcReadTagText signal, or write to a tag using ndefManager.nfcWriteTag(text). The C++ class additionally writes debug output to the console in case of detected targets, performed actions and errors, to make development easier.

Note: The project requires Qt 4.7 and uses the Qt Mobility 1.2 Connectivity NFC APIs. Symbian Anna FW and Qt Mobility 1.2 Beta is required on the C7 to use this application.



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Tepkiler: kotmerli, trivelax, Miroğlu.80 ve 4 diğerleri


teşekkürler yararlı bir konu


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eveet annayı fa yüklediğimize göre artık bu nfc li şeyleri yükleyebiliriz ...


konuyu biraz açarsak nedir nfc .s


NFC, Nokia, Sony ve NXP’nin 2004 yılında bir araya gelerek oluşturduğu bir temassız iletişim standartıdır. (NXP, Philips’in ve bu konularda çalışan birimlerini ayırarak oluşturduğu Avusturya ve Hollanda’da yerleşik bir firmadır) Sony ise, bilinen yüzüyle dev bir tüketici elektroniği firması olması yanında temassız çip ve işletim sistemi konusunda uzakdoğu’da oldukça etkin konumda bir teknoloji firmasıdır. Amerika ve Avrupa’da pazar bulamamış olsa da Sony’nin FeliCa isimli çipi, ulaşım ve benzeri alanlarda temassız kartlarda (ve diğer form faktorlerde) uzakdoğu’da yoğun bir kullanıma sahiptir.

Uzakdoğu dışında ise NXP Mifare olarak bilinen temassız çip ailesi ile toplu taşımadan geçiş kontrol sistemlerine çok büyük bir pazar payına sahiptir. (Mifare’in Türkiye’deki en yaygın kullanımı ulaşım sistemlerindedir, en önemli örnek KGS uygulamasıdır)


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