Ücretsiz Host Veren Web Siteleri

Sponsorlu Bağlantılar



    Konu Sahibi
Ücretsiz Host Veren Web Siteleri



PHP host için
cpanelli başarılı bi beleş hostinq


Saolasın arkadaş...

Çok faydalı olacak bu...


Cok sagol dostum. Faydali bir kaynak...


ben bunlarda pek bişe bulamadım siz reklamsız 5 10 mb veren bir yer gördünüzmü orda...



1 gb. alan

10 mb alan, 250 mb band, ftp

20 MB alan, 250 MB band
php cgi mysql reklamsız

100 MB alan, 3 GB band
php mysql domain host

- 100MB Webspace
- 300GB Traffic

50 MB alan, 2 GB band
php mysql

50 MB alan, sınırsız band, php mysql no ads

bedava forum hosting
50 mb alan, 1gb band

50 mb alan, sınırsız band
php mysql cgi

100 mb alan, php mysql, nopopup

2gb alan
60gb bandwidth
ensim panel & power tools (Tek tuş ile phpbb,phpnuke,ipb ws. kurulumu)
pop3 , ftp
banner var.

Sadece alan olsun isteyenler için.
php-asp desteği yok!
100mb alan
ftp desteği

php,mysql destekli
50mb alan
ftp destekli
banner var

asp desteği
100mb alan
başta 1gb olmak üzere sonradan sınırsız olan bandwidth desteği
kendinden otomatik unzip yapabilme özelliği
database destekli

30mb alan, asp desteği

50mb alan, asp desteği

php, sql vs.. hepsi var

Hazır Kurulu İnvisiın Power Board

Hazır phpBB forum.


demek host yazıyoruz o zaman bende ekleyeyım

color=#000099 hem reklamsız hemde hızlı.

color=#000099 türkçe

color=#000099 türkçe

color=#000099 tükçe

Tripod.com - color=#000099
20 Mb. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. MS FrontPage, CGI and Perl
supported. Web-based builder and templates provided. URL:

FreeWebs.com - color=#000099
100Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. CGI, Perl and SSI supported.
Online website builder, counters, forums, form mailer provided. Domain hosting
available. URL: ´ .

Brinkster - color=#000099
30Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. Browser uploads. ASP supported. URL:
´ .

1ASPHost - color=#000099
100 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up ads on each page. ASP and MS Access
databases supported. URL: ´ .

250Free.com - color=#000099
250Mb with 250Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. URL:
´ . ......

Tripod.com - color=#000099
20 Mb. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads. MS FrontPage, CGI and Perl
supported. Web-based builder and templates provided. URL:
´ .

FortuneCity - color=#000099
25 Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad and Pop-ups on each page. FTP uploads.
URL: ´ .

Freeservers.com - color=#000099
12 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts:
counter, guestbook and form mailer. Domain hosting. URL:
´ .

Angelfire - color=#000099
20Mb. Choice of pop-up or on-page ads. FTP or Browser uploads. Templates and
building tools provided. URL: ´ .

AOL Hometown - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner frame ad. FTP uploads. URL: ´ .

Geocities - color=#000099
15 Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth limit. Banner or Pop-up ads on each page. Browser
or FTP uploads. On-line editor. CGI scripts: counter and guestbook. URL:
´ .

FreeWebs.com - color=#000099
100Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. CGI, Perl and SSI supported.
Online website builder, counters, forums, form mailer provided. Domain hosting
available. URL: ´ .

ProHosting - color=#000099
20Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. FTP uploads. Web-based site builder. URL:
´ .

MyWebPage at Netscape - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad at top of each page. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

WebSpawner.com - color=#000099
For beginners. Pop-up ad on each page. Web-based builder and site management tools.

Brinkster - color=#000099
30Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. Browser uploads. ASP supported. URL:
´ .

eSmartStart - color=#000099
20Mb. FTP and browser uploads. Templates provided. URL:
´ .

1ASPHost - color=#000099
100 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up ads on each page. ASP and MS Access
databases supported. URL: ´ .

7Host - color=#000099
50Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. ASP supported. URL:
´ .

20 Megs Free.com - color=#000099
20Mb. Browser or FTP uploads. Website builder and templates provided. Guestbook,
counter and form mailer provided. URL: ´ .

Thirdage.com - color=#000099
9Mb. Pop-up ad on each page. Browser uploads. Guestbook and counter provided. URL:
´ .

Fateback - color=#000099
60Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP and browser uploads. POP3 email.
Domain hosting available. URL: ´ .

FreeHomePage.com - color=#000099
12Mb. Templates provided. Pop-up and banner ads on each page. URL:
´ .

ICQ Homepages - color=#000099
Requires ICQ. 20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

TopCities.com - color=#000099
150Mb. Browser uploads. CGI scripts include guestbook, message board, form mailer
and counter. URL: ´ .

Eccentrix - color=#000099
50 Mb with 900Mb monthly bandwidth. Pop-ups on each page. CGI scripts: guestbook and
message board. URL: ´ .

Websamba.com - color=#000099
30Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner at top and bottom of each page; no user ads.
FTP uploads. CGI, ASP, SSI and ODBC databases supported. URL:
´ .

DomainDLX - color=#000099
15 Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner or popup on each page. FTP access. Web-based
email. Domain hosting. ASP, Access databases and SSI supported.

FreeWebSites.com - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. 2Mb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up on each page.
FTP uploads. Unlimited email addresses. Domain hosting. URL:
´ .

CyberSoup - color=#000099
15Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Web-based site builder. URL:
´ .

Anzwers - color=#000099
Unlimited space and bandwidth. Banner ad each page. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

Free Hosting Guru - color=#000099
For approved sites. 5Mb space with unlimited bandwidth. No ads. Browser uploads. PHP
supported. URL: ´ .

Tripod-UK - color=#000099
50Mb. Banner frame ad. Browser and FTP uploads. MS FrontPage, PHP and MySQL
supported. URL: ´ .

Portland communications - color=#000099
15Mb with 100Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts
supported. Domain hosting. URL: ´ .

250Free.com - color=#000099
250Mb with 250Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. URL:
´ .

Host Ultra - color=#000099
No image galleries allowed. Unlimited space with unlimited bandwidth. Filesize limit
1Mb. Exit Pop-up ads on each page. FTP and browser uploads. PHP supported. Domain
hosting available. URL: ´ .

100 Megs Free - color=#000099
100Mb. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Template based
editor. CGI scripts: form mailer, message board, and guest book. URL:
´ .

20 Free Web Pages - color=#000099
20Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. Banner and Pop-up ad on each page. FTP uploads.
Email forwarding. URL: ´ .

Graffiti.net - color=#000099
20Mb. Button link required. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Full CGI-BIN support,
chat, message boards and mailing lists. URL: ´ .

Web1000.com - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Adult sites permitted.
Many URLs available.

CentralPets.com - color=#000099
For pet and animal related websites. Browser uploads. Templates provided.

FriendPages - color=#000099
5Mb. Ads on pages. URL: ´ .

Planet-D - color=#000099
Unlimited space. Browser uploads. Web-based email. PHP, Perl, suexec supported.
Domain hosting allowed. URL: ´ .

0Catch - color=#000099
100Mb with 600Mb bandwidth. 1Mb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up ad on each page.
FTP uploads. URL: ´ .

Free Web Space - color=#000099
20 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts and
website tools. URL: ´ .

NexusWebs - color=#000099
35Mb with 750Mb bandwidth. No forced banner ads. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based
email. Online website builder. URL: ´ .

Web Host Me - color=#000099
20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Pop-up or banner ad on each page. Browser uploads.
Support for MS Access databases, MS FrontPage and ASP. Web-based email. Domain
hosting. URL: ´ .

FortuneCity UK - color=#000099
25Mb with 0.5Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads.
URL: ´ .

Biz.ly - color=#000099
100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Browser uploads. Banner on each page. URL:
´ .

PrimeTap - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner and Pop-up ads on each page. Browser uploads. Templates provided. URL:
´ .

Dreamwater - color=#000099
50+ Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Templates
provided. CGI scripts: chat board, form mailer, and guestbook. URL:
´ .

Illusion FX Net - color=#000099
250Mb with unlimited bandwidth. POP3 email. PHP, Perl, MySQL, PostgreSQL supported.
Subdomain hosting.

Megspace - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts:
form mailer, guestbook, and message board. URL:
´ .

Free Web Page Hosting - color=#000099
150Mb with 600Mb monthly bandwidth. 900kb filesize limit. Banner or Pop-up ads. FTP
and browser uploads. Form mailer, guestbook and message board provided. URL:
´ .

Sphosting.com - color=#000099
35Mb with 3Gb monthly bandwidth. 2.5Mb filesize limit. Banner ad on each page.
Browser uploads. URL: ´ .

Xaper Homepages - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. Templates provided. URL:
´ .

JoinMe - color=#000099
5Mb. Web based editor, guest books and bulletin boards provided. URL:
´ .

X-Mail.net - color=#000099
20Mb. 500kb filesize limit. Browser uploads. Web-based email account.

F2G.net - color=#000099
15 MB. No forced ads. FTP uploads. SSI, PHP and CGI supported. URL:
´ .

2GlobalMart.com - color=#000099
12Mb. FTP uploads. Web-based email. Counter, form mailer and guestbook provided.
FrontPage supported. URL: ´ .

00server.com - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL: ´ .

OAM Web - color=#000099
5 Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts: form mailer, guestbook,
and message board. URL: ´ .

deluxnetwork - color=#000099
30 MB with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP and SSI supported.
URL: ´ .

FreeSites.ws - color=#000099
20Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. PHP supported. cPanel provided. URL:
´ .

Pay2Play Network - color=#000099
FTP uploads. CGI and SSI supported.

Stormpages.com - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Scripts: message board, guest book. Web-based site
builder provided. URL: ´ .

hus.meg.nu - color=#000099
2.5Mb. 500kb filesize limit. No forced ads. Site builder tools. URL:
´ .

Psend - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based email. PHP
supported. URL: ´ .

The Express Page - color=#000099
For creating a first home page. 1 page allowed. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

HostsLtd - color=#000099
20Mb. Counters, guestbooks, polls, forums and form mailer provided. URL:
´ .

SitePalace.com - color=#000099
8Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI scripts:
counter. URL: ´ .

Worldbreak.com - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Unlimited web-based email accounts.
CGI scripts include counters, form mailer and guestbook. URL:
´ .

XentriK Free Hosting - color=#000099
10Mb. No forced ads. Guestbook and message board provided. Web-based email account.
Browser uploads. URL: ´ .

Cool Free Pages - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Exit Pop-up ad. FTP uploads. PHP supported. Domain
hosting. URL: ´ .

Xenith - color=#000099
For established web sites. 100Mb with 10Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ads.

Mg2.org - color=#000099
A community focused on web hosting. Sponsor based user selection and approval. 20Mb.
No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP, CGI, JSP and Perl supported. GCC access provided.
URL: ´ .

FlatFace.net - color=#000099
100Mb. No forced ads. FTP and SSH2 uploads. Web-based email. CGI, Perl, PHP and SSI
supported. URL: ´ .

T35.com - color=#000099
35Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced banner ads. FTP uploads. PHP, SSI
supported. Domain name hosting available. URL: ´ .

Lifelesspeople.com - color=#000099
For approved sites. 100Mb with 2Gb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads.
PHP, MySQL, Perl, SSI supported. Domain hosting supported. URL:
´ .

ProperComfy - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Web-based email. PHP,
Perl, MySQL supported. Domain hosting available. URL:
´ .

nu3.net - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Web-based email. Scripts: form
mailer, guestbook and message boards. URL: ´ .

FreeCyberZone.com - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Free web-based e-mail. CGI scripts:
counter, guestbook and message boards. URL: ´ .

Wizards of WizardSoul - color=#000099
For a simple web page. Text link ad at top of each page. Web-based builder and
messenger system provided. URL: ´ .

Bz.tc - color=#000099
20 MB. Banners and Pop-up ad on each page. color=#000099 FTP. URL: ´ .

Pinoysite - color=#000099
For Philippine theme sites. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

Home Page Builders - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner at top and bottom of each page. Browser uploads. Web-based site
builder. URL: ´ .

Internations.com - color=#000099
100Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. CGI
scripts: guestbook, form mailer, and message board. URL:
´ .

ComVision2000.com - color=#000099
12 Mb. Adframe at top of each page. Browser or FTP uploads. Web-based email account.
URL: ´ or ´ .

Manqso.com - color=#000099
25Mb. ASP supported. Templates, online website builder, guestbook and forum
provided. URL: ´ .

GoBot - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Templates provided. FTP uploads. URL:
´ .

Free.StudioT.info - color=#000099
15Mb with 100Mb monthly bandwidth. 2Mb filesize limit. FTP uploads. Email
forwarding. Statistics provided. URL: ´ .

ababa - color=#000099
15Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. MP3 and EXE files not allowed. No forced ads.
Browser uploads. SSI supported. URL: ´ .

Cooo.net - color=#000099
100Mb with unlimited bandwidth. 500kb filesize limit. Ads on pages. FTP uploads.
URL: ´ .

WebMasterTools.Com - color=#000099
10Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on homepage. FTP uploads. Two POP3 email
accounts. URL: ´ .

Star Web Hosting - color=#000099
25Mb with unlimited bandwith. Banner ad on top of each page. PHP supported. URL:
´ .

FirefighterPages.com - color=#000099
For fire or EMS related websites. 5Mb. Form mailer and guestbook provided.

CCRTC Internet - color=#000099
No forced ads. URL: ´ .

Sakellaris Electronics - color=#000099
12Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Templates provided. Email
forwarding. URL: ´ .

Gizba.com - color=#000099
500Mb. Browser uploads. Guestbook and message boards provided. FrontPage supported.
URL: ´ .

OurWeb.to - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. Email forwarding. CGI scripts,
CGI-BIN access provided. SSI, PHP, MySQL, ASP, MS Frontpage extensions suppported.
URL: ´ .

Free Info Center - color=#000099
50Mb with 2Gb monthly transfer. Banner on each page. FTP uploads. Frontpage and ASP
supported. POP3 email. Domain hosting available. URL:
´ .

7H Free Web Hosting - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based email account. Site building tools. Domain
hosting. URL: ´ .

Timecities.com - color=#000099
15Mb. Banner ad at bottom of each page. Browser uploads.

12mb.com - color=#000099
12Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Exit Pop-up on each page.

QuickFox Websites - color=#000099
150Mb. No forced banner ads. SSI supported. URL:
´ .

PortalWorlds - color=#000099
100Mb with 250Mb bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. POP3 email. PHP, MySQL, CGI,
Perl, SSI, ASP supported. Cpanel provided. URL: ´ .

Lecktronix.net - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP and browser uploads. Web-based site builder
provided. CGI scripts: counter, guestbook and forms. URL:
´ .

2mh.net - color=#000099
100Mb. Banner ad on each page. FTP uploads. URL: ´ .

Web Hosting Pal - color=#000099
50Mb with 5000Mb monthly bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP, Perl, SSI
supported. URL: ´ .

20megs.com - color=#000099
20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Banner ad on each page. FTP or browser uploads. CGI
scripts: guestbook and message board. URL:
´ .

BuildtoLearn - color=#000099
For accepted sites. 20Mb. FTP uploads.

MsgServerNet - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Web-based and POP3 email provided. URL:
´ .

Snake INC. - color=#000099
100Mb with 1Gb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. PHP supported. URL:
´ .

ZingTO - color=#000099
25Mb with unlimited bandwidth on an OC12 connection. Ads on pages. FTP uploads. PHP
supported. URL: ´ .

TheGeekHost.com - color=#000099
For technically oriented sites. 15Mb with 500Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages.
Browser uploads. SSI supported. Site building and management tools. Available
scripts include guestbook, counter, appointment book, and message board. URL:
´ .

CyCoCity - color=#000099
Browser uploads. URL: ´ .

Trash the System.co.uk - color=#000099
250Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP and MySQL supported.
POP3 email.

ServeYou - color=#000099
For gay sites only. 40Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Footer ad. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

4qtherapeia.com - color=#000099
Only for sites that have already been built. 10Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads.
Domain hosting. URL: ´ .

LinkFlix.com - color=#000099
20Mb space with 500Mb monthly bandwith. No ads. FTP uploads. JSP supported. URL:

A11.net - color=#000099
12Mb. Ads on pages. Browser uploads. Email forwarding. Templates provided. URL:
´ .

Hewbert.com - color=#000099
Unlimited space. 30Mb filesize limit. FTP and SSH uploads.

PCI Free Host - color=#000099
12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. 256kb filesize limit. Banner ad on each page.
Email forwarding. CGI scripts: webring, message board, form mailer and counter. URL:
´ .

EGAO.com - color=#000099
5Mb. FTP uploads. URL: ´ .

Blusurf - color=#000099
30Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP supported.

Virtual Solar System - color=#000099
5Mb. No forced ads. Browser uploads. URL:
´ .

Meticulous Design - color=#000099
For sites which have already been constructed. 50Mb. Text link on each page. FTP
uploads. Web-based and POP3 email. CGI, SSI, PHP and MySQL supported. URL:
´ .

FreePages - color=#000099
5 web pages allowed. Templates provided. URL: ´ .

The Free Auction - color=#000099
1.5Mb. Browser uploads. Web-based PageBuilder and templates provided. Search box,
guestbook, counter and form mailer provided.

Free Web Space - color=#000099
50Mb. FTP uploads.

Dreamcities - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced banner ads. FTP uploads. POP3 email. PHP,
MySQL, postgreSQL, Perl supported. Domain hosting possible. Graphical statistics for
top level domains. URL: ´ color=#000099 .

Slydevil´s Lair - color=#000099
5Mb. Four DS3 backbone connections. No forced banner ads. Browser uploads. Guestbook

UK Hosting - color=#000099
50Mb with unlimited bandwidth. Browser and FTP uploads. PHP supported.

w3 Web Communities - color=#000099
5Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. URL: ´ .

Apollonet Hosting - color=#000099
100Mb with 20Gb monthly bandwidth. PHP, MySQL, CGI supported on approval.

Yours2Use - color=#000099
1Mb. URL:´ .

E-Securenetworks - color=#000099
Web-based email. URL: ´ .

MultiWebInc.com - color=#000099
200Mb with 800Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. FTP and browser uploads. CGI, PHP,
JSP, MS FrontPage suppported. URL: ´ .

GigDig - color=#000099
720kb. No forced ads.

40meg.com - color=#000099
40Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. MS FrontPage supported.
URL: ´ .

SiteActNow Free Flash Hosting - color=#000099
For Macromedia Flash pages. No forced ads. URL: ´

IzeroP - color=#000099
40Mb. No forced ads. PHP supported. URL: ´ .

SwiftHost - color=#000099
100Mb. No forced ads. FTP uploads. PHP and ASP supported.

Host Department - color=#000099
10Mb with unlimited bandwidth. No forced ads. FTP uploads. Guestbook, message board
and form mailer provided. Password protection for directories available. URL:
´ .

Free Web Hosting - color=#000099
Unlimited space with unlimited bandwidth. Header and footer ads on each page. FTP
uploads. Web-based email. Domain hosting. URL: ´ .

Community Architect - color=#000099
12Mb with 512Mb monthly bandwidth. Ads on pages. 256kb filesize limit. Online site
builder. Subdomain hosting.

HomePageHost - color=#000099
Application review in signup. 50Mb. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL supported. Subdirectory

GalaxyHost - color=#000099
Forum posting required. 150Mb with 1500Mb monthly bandwidth. FTP uploads. PHP,
MySQL, CGI, Perl supported. Cpanel provided.

Metropoliglobal - color=#000099
For accepted sites. Unlimited space. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL and CGI supported. URL:

fwsh.com - color=#000099
20Mb with unlimited bandwidth. FTP uploads. PHP, MySQL, FrontPage, cron jobs
supported. URL: ´ .

KTP Free Web Hosting - color=#000099
10Mb. FTP uploads. Domain hosting. URL: ´ .

Wigloo.com - color=#000099
20Mb with an OC3 connection. Banner ad on each page; no user ads. Browser or FTP
uploads. CGI scripts: message board. URL: ´ .

Free 5Mb Website - color=#000099
5Mb. URL: ´ .

Bronwyn.co.uk - color=#000099
12 MB. Banner and Pop-up ad on each page. URL: ´ .

Tamranda Hosting - color=#000099
For approved sites. 40Mb with 1000Mb bandwidth. Text link ad on index page. FTP
uploads. PHP, MySQL, Perl, Python, CGI, MS FrontPage supported. Subdomain and domain

IcySpicy - color=#000099
20Mb. Banner ad on each page. Browser uploads. Templates provided. URL:
´ .

Orgfree - color=#000099
125 Mb
real FTP access
Free Website Tools


vay canına pek çokmuş ya denemye yukardan başlıyorum türkçe olan ilgimi çekti.


eywallah nega
beleş php hosting arıodum ilaç gibi geldi saol


bEN DE NUKE üzerinden yeni site yapmayı düşünüyorum



100 MB veya 200mb Alan 200GB Trafik FTP
Reklamsız ve Ücretsiz bir host arıyorum bilen varmı ama kesin reklam olmucak içinde plsss..


<div class='quotetop'>(symbianboy &#064; Dec 4 2005, 03&#58;59 PM) [post=221567]Quoted post[/post]</div><div class='quotemain'>

100 MB veya 200mb Alan 200GB Trafik FTP
Reklamsız ve Ücretsiz bir host arıyorum bilen varmı ama kesin reklam olmucak içinde plsss..
hiç bilen biri yok mu??asp destekli olmalı ama


bu sitelerden hiçbiri işe yarar gibi durmuyor 8 tane ziyate baktım hiçbirinde iş yok bence.

Dolce Dolorose

<div class='quotetop'>(symbianboy &#064; Dec 4 2005, 03&#58;59 PM) [post=221567]Quoted post[/post]</div><div class='quotemain'>

100 MB veya 200mb Alan 200GB Trafik FTP
Reklamsız ve Ücretsiz bir host arıyorum bilen varmı ama kesin reklam olmucak içinde plsss..

Yani ücretsiz hosting arıyosunuz ama,istediğiniz şartlarda bir servis almaya kalksanız size en az 150 milyona patlar.Biraz reklamada göz yumun artık.
Ben bazı siteler için websamba.com u kullanıyorum.Üstünde reklam var ama küçük.Asp destekli.Ftp si de var.gayet kullanışlı.

Ama yinede 15-20 milyon verip,bir sene reklamsız tasasız hosting almanızı tavsiye ederim.Tabi hosting almaya değer bir siteyse.




en son mesaj 17 subat 2006 da yazılmış. konuya mesaj yazmadan önce tarihlere baksak iyi olacak galiba&#33;&#33;&#33;




walla bu hostingleri yazan herkesten allah razi olsun.Tam aradigim serverlar var.


umarım işe yarar.. teşekkürler..


valla yukarsı mezarlık gibi şaşırdım hangisinden alıyım kafam karıştı

Üst Alt